August 19

How To Fix blue Screen Error on Windows 7, 8 and 10


In this article, we are talking about blue screen error on Windows all versions such as 7, 8 and 10. I also tell you how you can fix this error. I explain each and everything about the blue screen error.

What is a Blue Screen Error?

A Blue Screen error of death (BSOD) also called a Stop error. This error will appear when an issue is so serious that Windows stop completely. A blue screen death is usually related to hardware or driver. Most of the BSODs shows a stop code that can be used to help figure out the root occurs of the Blue screen of the death. Did your computer restart after the BSODs? If the blue screen flashed and your computer is rebooted automatically before you have time to read anything. Disable the automatic restart on system failure setting.

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What causes the Blue Screen Of Death

The Blue screen of death and BSOD is an unwelcome sight. BSODs occur when Microsoft Windows encounters a critical error from which it can not recover, The result of the low-level software or drivers crashing or faulty Hardware.

Blue screen is generally caused by the problems with the hardware and issues of the computer with its hardware driver software running in the window kernel. Regular apps are able to cause a blue screen error. In many cases, it occurs without taking the operating system out. A blue screen appears when Windows Encounters a Stop Error. This failure cause Windows to crash and stop working. The only function that Windows performs is restarting the computer. This can lead the data loss, and programs do not save and have a chance to save their personal data. When a blue screen of death appears, Windows automatically creates minidump files that produce information about the crash and saves it on your disk. You can also view information about minidumps to help identify the cause of the blue screen.

What is meant by the Blue screen of death?

A b. It means that everything stops on your PC, at least as far as the operating system is concerned. You can not close the error go and save your data or reset your PC its all over, this is where the Proper Term stop Error comes. In many cases, there is a problem that will need to be corrected before you expect to use your computer normally. Most of the BSOD’s occur during the Windows start-up process meaning you can not get past it until you need to solve the problem or issue.

How To Fix Blue Screen  Death on Windows all Versions

Now I am telling you the best methods to fix blue screen error. Following are the best steps to fix Blue screen error, with these steps you can fix this error on Windows all versions. This troubleshooting step is very helpful for you.

  • Install a new program or piece of hardware, update a driver to install a Windows update, etc. So, there is a chance that the change you made appears the BSOD.
  • Delete the change you made and test again for stopping this Error. Depending on what it was that changed, many solutions include: Starting up using last known good Configuration to delete recent registry and driver changes, Use system restore to undo recent system changes, Roll back the device driver to a version prior to your driver update.
  • Enough free space left on the site drive windows is installed on.
  • Blue screen of death and other serious problems and issues, such as data corruption, can occur if there no enough space on your primary partition.
  • Microsoft recommends at least up to 100 MB of free space.
  • Scan your complete computer for viruses, many viruses can occur Blue screen error.
  • Make sure your virus scanning software is updated.
  • Apply the all Windows services packs and update. Microsoft releases patches and service packs for their operating systems that contain fixes for  BSOD.
  • Update your drivers to the latest version.
  • Most of the blue screen death is related to hardware and drivers.
  • Updated drivers can fix the cause of the STOP Error.
  • Check the system and applications logs for errors or warnings that provide more information about the cause of BSOD. See How to start the event viewer.
  • Now Return hardware settings to default in device Manager.
  • Return BIOS settings to their default levels. An overlocked or misconfigured can occur all sorts of random issues, including BSODs
  • If you made several customizations to your BIOS settings and do not wish to load the default ones, then try returning clock speed, voltage settings, and BIOS memory.
  • All internal cables, cards, and other parts installed and seated properly. Hardware that is not firmly in place can cause a blue screen of death. So try reseating and then test for the STOP message again:
  • Reseat all power cables and internal data, reseat the menu modules, reseat expansion cards, test your system memory.
  • Now you need to perform diagnostic tests on all on all hardware. If a test fails to replace the memory and hard drive as soon as possible.
  • Update your BIOS to the latest version. In many cases, an outdated version of BIOS can cause a blue screen of death due to certain incompatibilities.
  • Start your computer with essential hardware.
  • A useful troubleshooting step in many cases, including BSODs issues, is to start your PC with minimum hardware to run the operating system. If your PC starts successfully it proves that one of the removed hardware devices was the cause of the STOP message.
  • Only necessary hardware to start your computer through the operating system includes CPU, Motherboard, RAM (Random Access Memory) hard drive, monitor, keyboard and video card.

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In last I say after reading this article you stop worrying about the blue screen of death. Apply all methods to fix the blue screen of error and read the whole article. If you like this article then tell in the comments section. I hope that you like this article.


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