April 23

Discord tts [On/Off, Funny, Troll, BeatBox]


Discord is an application that allows your PC to focus the resources towards the actual application that is being run. Discord is huge success in its own category where you can connect and chat with people all around the world. We know that the chat app has become one of the most important features both in and out of different applications; these apps combine the best features for multi-tasking such as customs codes, and text to speech and other functions, etc. In this discussion, we will discuss how you can turn a text into a speech in Discord.

TTS was basically developed to create an ease and help visually impaired people. Text to speech is abbreviated as TTS. It is a form of speech synthesis process that converts your text into the voice as an output. These TTS systems are capable of reading strings of text characters so that to form an original sentence. We simply type out what we have to say, and an automatic bot-like voice speaks out loud that text for us.

Text To Speech DiscordText To Speech Discord

When we talk about the text to speech function, this function is only suitable to the user who is on the Discord with other users but doesn’t want to speak to anyone, or they are using it without a microphone connected to the channel or server. TTS on Discord feature, and it is enabled by default in its settings and has a couple of ways in which it can be used.

In this discussion, we are going to target those people who use this feature, or they need to use it and also those server administrators who would rather see it disabled. It can get really annoying when every text that is popping up is read aloud from the bot.

Enabling / Disabling Text to Speech in Discord

Text To Speech Discord

Using and understanding the text to speech function is not really hard, rather it is quite simple and easy procedure that you can do. All it requires from you is that you add the /tts before typing out whatever you want to say, and that’s it. Remember that the TTS is enabled by default in Discord, so if this action doesn’t work from you, then it means that the feature has been disabled.

An example for tts is:

If you want to say, “Hi, I am a new guy.”

You just have to type in:

/tts hi I am the new guy

You know that if you are using Discord on your browser, the browser might also alter the voice in the text to speech function. This means that each individual with a different browser, such as the Google Chrome browser, may have a different text to speech voice output from the ones who use the Mozilla Firefox browser. This happens on the basis of whichever voice is set to default for those browsers.

How to Disable Text To SpeechHow to Disable Text To Speech

There are two following easy methods that you can follow to disable the TTS feature.

Method 1

To toggle on the TTS feature off on your Discord server:

  • First of all, go to the User Settings by clicking on the Cog icon on the right.
  • Then go to the menu to the left and click on “Notifications.”
  • In the next window, locate the Text-to-Speech option. It will be there where you will see three different selections to choose from:
    • For all channels
    • For the currently selected channel
    • Never
  • Click the box on the left of Never; this will let you disable the TTS from being heard on your end.

Method 2

You can use this method to enable or disable the /tts command.

To toggle the feature off or on:

  • First of all, go to the User Settings by clicking on the Cog icon that is on the right of your user panel.
    • The user panel can be found below the channel window.
  • Then, in the menu to the left, click on the “Text & Images.”
  • Scroll down to the main window until you come to a “Text-To-Speech.”
    • Then, you can toggle the switch off or on.
  • Then click the Save Changes button when you are done.

Note that the ability to use the /tts command may either enabled or disabled depending on the actions that you have taken. If you use the /tts command, followed by what you want to say when this option is not enabled, the Text-to-Speech bot will not read it aloud. So keep in mind that both of these methods are completely separate from one another, which means that the TTS option in the “Text & Images” is separate from the option in the “Notifications.” So if a user has a TTS notification enabled, other members can still hear its messages written for TTS regardless of the settings. So, in the end, you are really only disabling or enabling the feature for just yourself.

Another and the last tip is that if the TTS itself just stops working, then you should reach out to the Discord support desk. Fill out the necessary information required for making the request, and then submit it, and someone from the Support Team will get back to you as soon as they can.

discord tts funny

In discord you can use the funny notations or sound to annoy others such as if you type in /tts ____ then you will hear a girl’s voice and she will say whatever you write with it. In this way you can make a lot of funny noises and comments like,  I freakin Shot a Monster in my dreams when i was dooooommm dizzzyyyyyyy.

discord tts troll

TTS troll is basically putting some jokes in the convo with some sarcasm in it. Most of the people get it, some of them dont. Trolling is what that is common on discord, people troll each other with jokes and cross talks over the discord.

discord tts beatbox

With this you can use a voice to send a song or a voice note with your inputted lyrics. There are some Discord Text to Speech tts beatbox that you can send in the chats to dedicate it to your friends online. You can make a sound beat of your own like;

/tts Your Player spawns like
thisstststststststststststststststststststststststst and then it comes back like wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweee

discord tts mobile

The TTS works in the direct messages and in the Discord server, so you don’t have to worry about its limitations. But you cannot use this voice function in the voice channels because the users have to type the /tts in the texts channel. So it can be used on Mobiles.


In this discussion, we discussed that text to speech is a discord feature that lets you convert the text into a bot voice message. It is a cool feature, but it may get annoying sometimes as you cant hear the bot all day for your texts. But still, it has many benefits as easy to communicate with others and rather quite simple and easy to use.

We hope this info was helpful if you have questions you can mail us or leave a comment below.

Also Check:


1. How to stop TTS on Discord?

You can disable the Text-To-Speech option by going into Settings, then Text & Images, and then disable and Allow the playback and usage of /tts command.

2. How can you change voice in TTS discord?

Discord only uses the default Windows voices that are selected through the Settings/Speech. You can add manual voices with the help of third-party apps that suit you the best.


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